YAYY!! I finally get to
fulfil my dream as a stewardess. It's my second time attending the walk-in
interview actually. I'm going to document the interview process while it's
still fresh in my memory.
The registration time starts
at 8.30. My advice, be there early so you don't have to wait long.
Remember to take the
registration form prior to entering the cafeteria - this is also the waiting
area prior to having your height, weight and documents checked. Note that your
queue number is written on that particular piece of form.
Once your number is called,
you may then proceed to have your height and weight checked. Once the
requirements are met, you can then proceed to document verification.
Before the first round
interview, you will be asked to wait in the auditorium located on the first
floor. Just be patient and your turn will come.
First round interview - 6 candidates to 2
You will be asked to
introduce yourself and they will ask you some random questions after that.
Why do you want to become a
What qualities do you
possess that will benefit our airline?
What have you heard about
our cabin crew?
of 6 candidates usually 2 or 3 will proceed to the next round.
Second round - grooming check (2 candidates to 1
They will check your height
and weight again to see if there's any variance. The facilitator will then do a
thorough skin check on your face, they will also look out for any scars. During
the grooming check, the facilitator would want to see how you stride as well.
Third round interview - 6 candidates to 2
interviewers and 1 facilitator
As usual, you will be asked
to introduce yourself again before questions are being thrown at you. They
basically just want to see how you communicate.
Pros and cons of social
Discuss ways to keep your
body fit.
Would you prefer to marry a
guy who is rich but old or someone who is young but poor?
Final round - 6 candidates to 2 interviewers
The final interview round is
basically very relaxed. They just want to get to know you, that's it.
Word of advice: Just be
yourself and remember to stay chirpy even though you're tired.
It's going to be a long day
for you if you manage to reach the final round. By the time I was done with the
final round, it was already 9-ish at night.
3 days later
I received an email 3 days
later indicating that my application was successful. Applicants who made it
through are invited to attend the bonding briefing where they will fix an
appointment for us to undergo the medical checkup.
Medical Checkup
For the medical checkup, a
hearing test, eye test, x-ray, urine and body checkup is required. For the eye
test, the nurse will point out alphabets from the Snellen Chart for you to read
out. There, I found out that I was allowed to wear my contact lenses. However,
to ensure that my eyesight was within the range without corrective aids, I had
to read those alphabets a second time without my lenses. A colour vision test,
similar to the ones you take for your driving test is then performed.
Next, for the hearing test,
I was asked to seat in a soundproof testing booth. That booth is really small
and dark, and the air circulation is really bad as well. Just press the button
whenever you hear a beep to indicate the lowest sound that you can hear across
varying frequencies. This will indicate that you are not hearing impaired.
After I'm done with the hearing test, the nurse called out my name and passes
me a form for the x-ray test. Just change into the gown provided by them and you're
good to go.
Finally, it was time for the
basic body check. The doctor then asked some general health questions, which
were stated in the form that you filled up to gain clarification. The doctor
then performed a check on my ears, mouth and full body check. Blood pressure
and urine test followed.
Reporting date
Roughly around 1 to 2 weeks
later, I received an email from the HR department stating my reporting date.
That is when my journey as a crew begins.
Click here for the earlier version of the Malaysia Airlines Cabin Crew interview process and stages
You can view the cabin crew interview process of other airlines by clicking here
Above article written by my PAID guest writer. If you are interested to contribute your experience to FlyGosh, please check out Get PAID to be a guest writer for FlyGosh.com
As you may already be aware that I have max out my facebook 5000 friends limit therefore to continue to get updates on latest news and jobs opportunity for both pilots and cabin crew, you can LIKE the Fly Gosh Fan Page by clicking HERE
Above article written by my PAID guest writer. If you are interested to contribute your experience to FlyGosh, please check out Get PAID to be a guest writer for FlyGosh.com
As you may already be aware that I have max out my facebook 5000 friends limit therefore to continue to get updates on latest news and jobs opportunity for both pilots and cabin crew, you can LIKE the Fly Gosh Fan Page by clicking HERE