We are currently recruiting Cruise Relief Pilots locally.
The Cruise Relief Pilot is a line-pilot, responsible to the
Commander to assist in the safe and efficient conduct of the flight.
As Third – in - Command of each flight, Cruise Relief Pilots are
co-leaders within Flight Operations and in particular of each flight. As such, they are expected to extend that
leadership in spirit beyond the cockpit – this includes but is not limited to
the overall service of the airline.
· 500 hours fixed wing operations of which;
· Hold a current type rating on B767 aircraft; and
· Successfully pass the MEGA Maldives B-767 IRT/PPC.
candidates please submit the following documents latest by 14:00 hrs on 31 March 2014 (Monday)
to pilot.recruitment@megamaldivesair.com with your email title as " Application for the position of Cruise Relief Pilots via flygosh.com "
Completed Application Form
Updated Curriculum Vitae
Scanned copies of Certificates and Licenses
4. Passport
For a comprehensive guide to help you secure a pilot job, you might want to download my book at This is HOW YOU can become a Pilot - FlyGosh Pilot Secrets
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As you may already be aware that I have max out my facebook 5000 friends limit therefore to continue to get updates on latest news and jobs opportunity for both pilots and cabin crew, you can LIKE the Fly Gosh Fan Page by clicking HERE