What are the working schedules of an airline crew? Each month, you will be issued a roster detailing your flying timetable. This is what most crew look forward to including myself as we get to see which exciting destinations we get to visit. Normally in a month, you will have an average of 4 layovers/nighstop and 3 turnaround. For some airlines, you may have 2-3 days of standby in a particular month. For those who wonder what standby means, it is a day when for example a crew call in sick for the flight and you as the standby crew will be called up to replace and operate the flight.
This blog contains information on various airlines, jobs for Pilots and Flight Attendant/Cabin Crew, interview tips, latest aviation news and the lifestyle of an airline crew
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Flight Attendant - Cathay Pacific - Bangkok Base (Thailand)
Note : I have received way too many emails and can't reply immediately.Just add me in facebook at flygosh@live.com or click the below "Add as Friend " button and I shall chat/reply you via FB chat.faster this way...
Cabin Crew
Cabin Crew Jobs
Cathay Pacific
Crew Jobs in Thailand
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Kung fu training for Hong Kong Airlines cabin crew
Hong Kong Airline is making all its cabin crew take kung fu lessons to help them to deal with drunk and unruly passengers.
Hong Kong Airlines said all staff had been invited to undergo training in wing chun - a form of kung fu used in close-range combat - but it was only compulsory for cabin crew, the Sunday Morning Post reported.
The airline had around three incidents involving disruptive passengers every week, said Eva Chan, the carrier's deputy general manager of corporate communication.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Flight Attendant/Cabin Crew Training
Guess this month has been a busy month for most of you as some of you have already reported to the airline. Congratulations for passing all those daunting interview process and stages and welcome to the exciting career in the “high mile club”. For those who are yet to report to the airlines, I am sure you are looking forward to it.
So now you have successfully got a job as a cabin crew, what’s next? Obviously before you get to fly on board, you have to undergo training which you will be overloaded with huge amount of information, tons of studies and homework, exams and stress.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
Benefits/Perks for being an airline crew ( Cabin Crew and Pilots )
So what are the perks of being an airline crew? Again this is one of the top 10 questions that I am often being asked. Different airline have different perks and benefits but I am going to stick to Emirates since I was flying with them to give you all a general idea.
Do we have time to explore a particular country during nightstops and do sightseeing? The answer is yes. It depends on the frequency of the flight to that particular destination and whether it is short, medium or long haul. For short haul ( 5 hours and below) , we normally do the flight as a turnaround flight which means there are no nightstop as you fly there and return to base on the same day. For medium haul flights ( 9 hours and below) ,we get to stay in that country for between 24 hours up till 100 hours. If we have daily flights, which means we fly to that country every single day, the stay is normally 24 hours, for example, you arrive 8am today and leave at 8am the following day.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
Latest update at Fly Gosh
Hello everyone, all I can say is WOW! Fly Gosh is only 5 months old and there are already more than 60000 hits and growing. When I first started this blog, I have no idea that it will actually grow so fast and able to gain popularity. Thanks to all my readers (whom I regard as Fly Goshers) for all your support. I am not blowing my horn here, but as of now I have gotten 100% positive feedback so far and your encouragement is what really keeps me going.
I guess it has grown so rapidly that it is almost impossible for me to handle one to one coaching anymore. Therefore I have decided to start Fly Gosh forum which I am sure most of you are aware of. For those who are new, you can actually access the forum here. To participate, you need to register an account and post your question there. Instead of answering individual question and repeating, I only need to reply once in the forum and share it to the rest. As time goes on, I guess the forum will be a useful platform for anyone to find valuable questions and answers, news and anything related to a career in the aviation industry.
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