Are you
someone who : -
- Has sent hundreds of resumes after you got your CPL/type rating ( may be jobless for years ) but you have not received any response or what you get are all rejections?
- Just finished high school, university or someone who decided to change your career path to pursue your dream as a pilot and unsure whether you should take up a piloting course and what are the options available for you to become one?
- Was recently laid off as a captain, Senior FO or an experienced pilot with thousands of hours on type and yet failed to get a job or wonder why people less experienced than you are taking up all the “ limited “ number of jobs available in the market ?
- Have NO idea where to start looking or how to compete with thousands of jobless pilots worldwide or how to get in touch with the right person?
My Global Events
Mind you I did all this not in my own country but in a foreign land where I packed my bags and went without knowing anyone or having any connections. Today, I have many offers and in fact, I have had to politely reject them.
So, by way of introduction, I am Andy, and I am from the beautiful island of Penang, Malaysia. I was formally a long haul cabin crew flying around the globe with one of the biggest airlines in the world on the Boeing 777 and the Airbus 330/340. Currently, I am flying as a Pilot with an airline in Asia.
Allow me to do little bragging.....
- Helping hundreds of pilots secure a job in this current difficult & challenging economy
- I was featured in as the first “ Cabin Crew success stories “ .
- Featured as a Cabin Crew and Pilot expert at AviationJobSearch.
- Helped hundreds of my FlyGosh readers achieved their dream as a cabin crew
- Invited by major airlines to hire pilots and provide speaking engagements
- Major airlines are advertising their vacancies with FlyGosh
- Provided
consultation and referrals to cabin crew training organizations and type
rating training organizations
· Module
1 – Introduction and Attitude
this module I will share with you the mindset required to succeed and you will
learn :
right attitude and mindset ( Get this wrong and half the battle is already
required to take for success
and how to start applying for jobs
to identify the right airline company
you pay for type rating and which rating should you choose?
do you get a job without paying and be fully sponsored
Module 2 – Resume
am sure you have sent hundreds or even thousands of resumes and you either did not
receive any response or what you get are all rejections. In this module we will
cover :
you can get your application noticed and not end up in the recycle bin
to avoid and end up losing the opportunity
Ø Tips on writing a proper resume which will stand out
Module 3 – Interview
you think that by going to an interview and all you need to do is study and
answer everything correctly especially the technical questions, you are
dead wrong. I will teach you :
to perform well during your interview
to make the interviewer like you
should you prepare for the interview
How to make sure that you stand out compared to the rest
4 – Networking and Building Connections
This is by far the MOST important module as it will
determine whether you will get the job or not. I am sure everyone has heard of the
saying “It's NOT what you know but WHO you know”. So pay close attention to
this final module.
to build your connections
do you get the airline to work with you
to avoid that can kill the relationship that you work very hard to build
to get other people to help you
to create your OWN opportunity
may be wondering why I am doing this.
answer is simple : I want to find good
people to work with so that I can learn more
So tell me how can I secure this golden opportunity and how much does it cost?
To purchase the FlyGosh Pilots Secrets Ebook, it will cost you a one time investment of USD 98. However the good news is, since this is the launching of my first book, I am going to give you a 50% discount at USD 49.
You can purchase this book by paying via paypal or credit card by clicking the BUY NOW button below.
(Once payment is complete you can download the book immediately)
You can choose to ignore this opportunity and continue to be jobless and " may even " lose all the money that you have invested in your CPL or worse your added typerating ( double whammy ), or you can grab this golden opportunity and do yourself a favour for your own Pilot career. Remember, if you do the same thing, you get the SAME results.
I personally have a few friends who have been jobless for as long as 5 years and they have decided to give up their Piloting dream and change careers. Deep down in their hearts, they are unhappy. Since we only live once, I strongly believe that we should chase our dreams so as not to have any regrets later.
I am so confident that you will definitely gain value by reading the FlyGosh Pilot Secrets Ebook and if you are not satisfied for whatever reasons, I will give you back a full refund. Sure, there will probably be some people who will take advantage of this generous offer but I trust that you are a decent and honest person. I stand by my book and I am offering you a 100% risk free opportunity so that you have nothing to lose. So what are you waiting for?
I look forward to working with you as nothing beats the satisfaction of seeing you fly, just as I have done for the hundreds of pilots who are flying today with my help over the last few years.
To your success,
PS : Another important note is that, a lot of people tend to wait till the last minute to prepare ONLY when there is a recruitment/opening coming up. I got a job and achieved what I have today simply because I am always one step ahead of the rest and prepared myself well in advance. We have to be proactive especially when there are thousands of jobless pilots worldwide today. By having this insider information that I am going to share with you, you can be sure you are ready for battle and will be ahead of the rest when there is an opening.
As you may already be aware that I have max out my facebook 5000 friends limit therefore to continue to get updates on latest news and jobs opportunity for both pilots and cabin crew, you can LIKE the Fly Gosh Fan Page by clicking HERE