Application Stage:
Submit resume through online application before a given deadline.
Wait for invitation email to attend for career talk, and to know things to bring (such as original and copies of resume, identity card, passport, and print out of invitation email).
First visit
Career Talk Session:
Registration, complete the application form, after that documents verification.
Career talk, introduction on Cathay Pacific’s background, products & services, sharing/testimonial from current crews, useful information for Cathay Pacific flight attendant applicants, and et cetera.
208 cm arm reach test.
Remaining candidates will be divided into groups (10-15 people per group, I can’t remember the actual number) for group interview.
Group Interview 1:
Enter a room, a group will be subdivided into smaller group of 3-4 people for a discussion on a topic given. For example, each small group will discuss the importance of A, B, or C.
Every candidates in the small group are given chance to present the points for the topic.
At the end, all candidates take turn give opinion on the topic.
Two outcomes at the end of Group Interview 1:
Whether they give you yellow card which shows wait for the news from CX within 4 weeks at home (I can’t remember is 2 or 4 weeks because I never get this card), or the yellow card to ask you come for second round Group Interview in afternoon session.
Whether they give you yellow card which shows wait for the news from CX within 4 weeks at home (I can’t remember is 2 or 4 weeks because I never get this card), or the yellow card to ask you come for second round Group Interview in afternoon session.
Group Interview 2:
Remaining candidates will be divided into groups (about 10 people per group).
Enter a room, the group will be subdivided into 2 groups for debate.
After debate, individual presentation for the points mentioned in the debate topic as a whole group.
Two outcomes at the end of Group Interview 2:
Whether they give you yellow card which shows wait for the news from CX within 2 weeks at home (I can’t remember is 2 or 4 weeks because I never get this card), or the yellow card to ask you come for Final Interview in a given date (The card stated we have to bring the required documents for final interview such as original and copies of resume, reference/testimonial, school certificates, birth certificate, passport, identity card, passport photo.
Whether they give you yellow card which shows wait for the news from CX within 2 weeks at home (I can’t remember is 2 or 4 weeks because I never get this card), or the yellow card to ask you come for Final Interview in a given date (The card stated we have to bring the required documents for final interview such as original and copies of resume, reference/testimonial, school certificates, birth certificate, passport, identity card, passport photo.
English e-Assessment:
Consists of 2 parts: Comprehensive and Audio test. Inclusive of multiple choice and fill in the blank questions.
Second visit
Harrison Assessment:
Computer base Harrison Assessment (Employment Testing) in a room.
Documents checking:
Documents checking and language test (read a passage and talk to the checker with your 2nd and/or 3rd language.
Final Interview:
Interviewer will call a candidate for 1 to 1 interview. During interview, the interviewer will ask questions on your resume, and standard interview questions. At the end of the interview, you are required to read and explain an English passage, and interpret a picture (what you see in the picture/story).
At the end of the interview, everyone will receive the same green card, which stated we have to wait for the application status for 6 weeks.
Interviewer will bring you to a room to fill in HK employment visa, receive a pre-employment check form, and choose a medical check up appointment date (Some candidates never being asked for this stage).
Third visit
Attend medical check up at a schedule time and venue.
Wait for the GOLDEN EMAIL from CX.
Once we received the email, the email stated some information about the contract.
There is another email sent by CX for documents required to bring on the Pre-Employment Briefing date (Original and copies of passport, identity card, resume, pre-employment check form, and passport photo).
Once we received the email, the email stated some information about the contract.
There is another email sent by CX for documents required to bring on the Pre-Employment Briefing date (Original and copies of passport, identity card, resume, pre-employment check form, and passport photo).
Forth visit
Attend Pre-Employment Briefing and Contract Signing at a hotel ballroom.
PowerPoint presentation by CX person on information on the contract, and we have some Q&A during the session.
Once we signed the contract, we need to submit it with the required documents.
PowerPoint presentation by CX person on information on the contract, and we have some Q&A during the session.
Once we signed the contract, we need to submit it with the required documents.