West Atlantic Cadet Scheme is a long standing and highly regarded pilot
sponsorship/cadet programme. Cadet pilots are employed by West Atlantic
and all live together in shared accommodation they cover many cadet
duties whilst concurrently training for their ATPL ground studies,
Commercial Pilots Licence (CPL), Instrument Rating (IR) and finally type
The West Atlantic sponsorship scheme is funded fully up front by West Atlantic Airlines. Once type rated and employed as a West Atlantic First Officer, the pilot then pays back 50% of their training costs.
We recommend reading what life is like as a Cadet Pilot on the West Atlantic Cadet Pilot Sponsorship Scheme
Pre-entry requirements for the Cadet Scheme
You must:
•hold a current EASA Private Pilots Licence
•hold a current class 1 medical
•have a full, clean, EU driving licence with the rights to drive a motor vehicle in the UK
•have the rights to live and work within the UK
Preferably you should:
•hold a night rating
•have 50 hours total time
Application Process
West Atlantic Cadet Scheme UK is currently open for applications.
Please Complete the current application forms :
Applications will only be accepted via email to by 29th July 2016
Successful applications will be notified by email on or before 8th August 2016
Please Note: Telephone enquiries will NOT be accepted due to the volume of applicants
If you already hold a commercial licence you are not eligible for this scheme. If you wish to apply as a direct entry pilot, please check the West Atlantic website for recruitment information
For a comprehensive guide to help you secure a pilot job, you might want to download my book at This is HOW YOU can become a Pilot - FlyGosh Pilot Secrets
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As you may already be aware that I have max out my facebook 5000 friends limit therefore to continue to get updates on latest news and jobs opportunity for both pilots and cabin crew, you can LIKE the Fly Gosh Fan Page by clicking HERE