Monday, August 24, 2015

Silk Air Flight Stewardesses/Stewards Recruitment - Walk in Interview ( Penang )

Follow me on Twitter at Flygosh@Twitter
We are looking for Flight Stewardesses/Stewards with a combination of professionalism and sophistication to provide excellent and attentive service to our customers.

·Minimum age of 18 years old
·Minimum of 5 credits in SPM, including a minimum grade of B4 in English at SPM Level
·Females who are at least 1.58m; males who are at least 1.65m in height
·Willing to be based in Singapore.

We offer a host of generous service benefits including:

·Free and discounted travel
·Annual wage supplement of one month’s salary
·Profit sharing bonus
·Attractive medical and dental benefits
·Meal, productivity and transport allowance where applicable

If you think you have what it takes to be part of our team, we will be pleased to meet you at our walk-in interview at G Hotel Kelawai, 2 Persiaran Maktab, George Town, Penang Island 10250, Malaysia, between 9.00am and 4.00pm on 8 October 2015. Interested applicants please download and complete this application form.

Please bring the following documents for registration:

·Completed application form
·2 Passport-size photographs
·Original(s) of all educational certificates and international passport.

Selected candidates will be invited for the final interview on either 8 October 2015 or 9 October 2015.

For SilkAir cabin crew salary, please click here

For sample interview questions, click here and don't forget to download the free FlyGosh Ebook for more tips. 

Click here to go to Silk Air interview process and stages

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