Lao Airlines is currently looking for A320 Captains - Immediate vacancy
Minimum requirements:
- Hold a valid ATPL license (current TRI/TRE would be advantageous )
- Minimum 3000 flying hours
- 1000 hours PIC on A320 series
- Minimum of Level 4 of Aviation English.
- Good command of English Language
- Must be physically and mentally fit
- Class 1 medical
- Salary of USD 8900 per month/ USD 10,800 for TRE
- Commuting Roster, 8 weeks ON 2 weeks OFF
- Minimum of 84 hours per month
If you are interested, please send the following documents to with your email subject/title as ( your name - Application for the position of Lao A320 Capt via )
- CV
- Copy of license
- Passport
- Class 1 medical
- ICAO English cert
- Passport size photo
- Last 2 pages of Pilot LogBooks