Saturday, October 30, 2010

How to become a Cabin crew/Flight attendant/Air hostess/Flight stewardess

Whenever people know that I used to be a Flight Steward before,I am often being asked "How do I apply to be a cabin crew ".Got this question a million times.So I thought why not I just write it here so that I don't have to repeat all over again. Notice that I put various names as the title.Many are often confuse as it is called differently in different region of the world.For instance,in Asia,you are normally known as flight stewardess,in India as air hostess , in Europe and Usa, as flight attendant and cabin crew in the middle east. But it is actually all the SAME.

First,you need to check the recruitment ad either through your local newspaper or the airline's website for the requirement.Some airlines hire both male and female but some only female for example Silk Air Singapore.Generally airlines recruit candidates at 18 all the way up till 35.Some airlines like Emirates hire cabin crew from nationality around the world while majority only if you have the right to live in that particular country. Why is that you may ask? Well, when you work for an airline, cabin crew are normally seen as a representative and ambassador not only to the airline but to the country of origin. I am sure when you fly Singapore Airlines, you can see that they promote heavily on the "Singapore Girl". However there are cases where other nationalities being recruited as well for their ability to speak in their mother tongue such as Japanese and Korean crew.