- Possesses a valid Malaysia ATPL.
- A Valid Class (1) Medical Certificate
- A minimum of 7000 total hours which shall include a 1000 hours Command on Boeing 747-400
- Aged between 30 and 60 years
- Malaysian Citizen or Malaysian Permanent Resident
- Limited numbers of B747-400 Type rated applicant below 63 years can be considered for employment
First Officers
- A valid DCAM ATPL/Frozen ATPL with valid instrument and type rating
- A valid DCAM medical certificate. (Class 1)
- Preferably type rated on the B747-400.
- Limited Non-rated applicants can be considered and will be given B747-400 Type rating. (Cost to be borne by Applicants from pay deductions)
- Minimum of 2000 total hours inclusive of 1000hrs narrow body commercial jets.
- Malaysian Citizen or Malaysian Permanent Resident
If you are interested, please send your application with your email title as ( Application for the position of B747 FO or Captain via flygosh.com ) to pilot.recruitment@eaglexpressair.com
For a comprehensive guide to help you secure a pilot job, you might want to download my book at This is HOW YOU can become a Pilot - FlyGosh Pilot Secrets
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