Monday, January 2, 2012

Pilot Job - A320 -Citilink ( Garuda) Direct Entry Pilot/First Officer

Citilink, the low-cost subsidiary of Garuda Indonesia would like to invite potential A320 rated pilots to send in your resume. They are also considering those candidates with zero hours on type.

Requirement : -

• Hold a Commercial Pilot License / Instrument Rating (CPL / IR).
• Minimum of Level 4 of Aviation English.
• Good command of English, both written and spoken.
• Must be physically and mentally fit.
• Class 1 medical
• Rated on A320
• All licenses accepted such as Faa,Jaa,Caa,Casa and etc
• All nationality are welcome

Please note that this opportunity is NOT for CPL or zero hours cadet pilot.

If you are a CPL holder, you might want to try Merpati Airlines by clicking here

If you are interested, please send your resume to with the title ( your name - Application for Citilink DEP via flygosh )

Remember to LIKE my Fan Page at Fly Gosh Fan Page

Want to remind you all that at this stage it is only an " expression of interest" and the airline will invite you for an interview should you be shortlisted.

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