Monday, July 20, 2015

Go Air Pilot Recruitment - A320 Trainee First Officers ( Low Hour )

No. of Positions 10

Location Mumbai-Head Office

Job Description Trainee First Officers – Type Rated on A320

The Trainee First Officers to be recruited under the above category shall have a:

A.Valid Indian CPL/ATPL
B.Valid Indian FRTO
C.Valid Indian RTR
D.Valid Indian Class I Medical
E.Recent on Type A320

You are requested to provide the Validity dates for all the above.

Written test for eligible applicants would be conducted on August 08, 2015 Saturday.

The date, venue and time of the written test would be communicated to only eligible candidates through E-mail.

Applicants to provide latest E-mail Id and current contact details including mobile number, residential landline number/alternate number.

All applications should reach us on or before July 23, 2015.

Syllabus will include A320- Technical and General questions of CPL level.

To apply, please click here 

For a comprehensive guide to help you secure a pilot job, you might want to download my book  at This is HOW YOU can become a Pilot - FlyGosh Pilot Secret 

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